Friday, February 22, 2013

Grow Activities, With Grow Tendencies

The garden begins!! Since I started this a bit after these activities occurred some of it's a little iffy on the timeline. Oh well, time's all wibbly wobbly anyway.

I had this to work with.
That's AWOL. She has decided she lives here. Even the animals are Found Objects. 

And that sad hunk of land has been perked up a tiny bit (it's a work in progress, gimmie a break!) to look like this!
I've actually added to this a decent bit but I don't have pictures of it yet, so that update'll come later.
Alright Tiny Garden, are you ready for your close up?
These are actually in a container I dug down into the ground so it'd be (kinda) flush. Hoping they grow fast and fill up that cage!! AFB came home for lunch while I was digging. With the large spoon found on Day 2 (or was it 3?). He just kinda stared for a minute. After we went and got lunch he went to Wal Mart to pick up speakers and I guess a kick-ass three piece gardening set (trowel, weeder and rake thingy) just fell into the cart. As I said. Very Understanding Guy I Live With.
Up close of the Engine Gasket Plant Holder! Used the gasket, two swirly pieces (I'm told they're part of an old chair's arms), a fork and a piece of chain!

PURPLE BASIL. WHAT?! Planted in kitchen strainer we found over the weekend. The small basket (thanks Sam!) has two wild onion bulbs I found growing happily within. Rocks so it doesn't blow over. It gets Piss You Off Windy here. Succulent in a nut and a desert plant in a weird blue thing These have both died, thanks to AWOL, so this looks different now.
Desert plant in a hub thingy! It's got holes in the bottom for drainage, so huzzah. This has also died. I had it out of dirt for a few days between uprooting and planting. My bad.
Cinder block I found and AFB hauled home from a nearby field.
"Should we take the car?"
"Psht, no, it's super close. We don't even leave the apartment's property."
It was about a quarter of a mile. I should work on recognizing distances.
I only found one bracket for this piece so it's kind of a Frankenshelf. I love it for that. It's doing this unfortunate forward tilt thing though, so I'll have to fix that as I find Things. Oh, noticing the little cactus in the cool pot? SPOILERS. It's from Day 4.
The aforementioned metal thingy with fork legs! Found glass and marbles to make it fancy.

There's more now but I forget to take pictures every time I'm outside. Blast.

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