Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Horrible At Blogging

I am horrible at this blogging thing. I totally space on updates even when MILLIONS OF THINGS ARE HAPPENING. Maybe that's why I've spaced on this for, what, a month?

I have been busy and productive though!

AWOL, our salvaged cat, had a SLEW of little fluffers.

 Pile of Fluff

And I got THIS little beauty (thanks AFB!!)

Horrible picture of me. It was late.

AFB, our friend Sick and I were at Home Depot to pick up a few things. AFB had planned on getting a vacuum but I talked him into the torch instead. Score.
If you get a punk a blow torch, she's gonna want some solder.
So we got the stuff for me to solder with. Luckily Sick knows how and was a doll and showed me. We began an epic project I'd had waiting to do (needed the torch for bending metal) but solder wasn't cutting it (wrong kind of metal).
Luckily... SICK HAS A WELDER. So the next day I bring my little project-in-the-works over to his place and we finish...
This is Tyrone. He's made 100% out of Salvaged Things (you can do a scavenger hunt in my pictures of junk if you'd like) and he is outstanding. He's made from a a gasket thingy (his base), a pair of kitchen tongs (feet and wings), a beater from a kitchen mixer (body and neck), a hose clamp and smaller gasket (head and crown), and a weird piece of twisted wire (tail). I did it all myself except Sick gave him eyes and welded the crown on. I wasn't skilled enough yet for so delicate a process and he had to be perfect. He was an early Mother's Day present for (you guessed it) my mommy. I had her call me when she got The Package of Amazing so I got to hear her (literally) scream with joy when she opened him. You are missed, little bird, but I'm glad you have a good home.
I was so proud of him that when two of my neighbors walked by, waved and said hello, I made them come onto the porch to admire him. They glanced around at the breadbox full of scraps on the half painted desk, blow torch, tools, and spray paint and gave me this gem...
"So, are you one of those... you know... weird artist people?..."

Tyrone did a funny thing for me. I was so 100% in love with him when he was done. He was the first time I'd ever created something and not just seen a million flaws. He lit a spark in my heart with his goofy feet and fancy tail that's still going strong. He gave me the motivation I'd never had to create things and sell them.
Everyone had always encouraged me to dos o but I blew it off as kindness. In Tyrone though?
I see it.
I rock.
Since he was my vision and my handiwork (with some help) I suppose I had it in my all along.
I just never saw it.

He's sparked a flurry of ideas so expect many wondrous things.

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