Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Be Nice To Strangers strikes again.
I'll make it short.
Furniture for sale advertised on the board in the mail room.
Text the number to see if he has smaller stuff and/or fish supplies.
No luck on the fish stuff but he has a storage unit he can meet me at the next day to see if there are small things I'd like to buy.
I'm friendly. Get him talking. Have a lovely conversation. His computer is being weird.
He's got a car jack and stands that AFB wants.
I set up a barter. AFB fixes the computer he gets The Goods.
I ask what the problem is.
Ohhh, I can test that in about five minutes.
You live in the same apartment complex I'm assuming?
Awesome, I'll be right over.

So we end up hanging out with this older gentleman for quite a while.
Conversation across the board. Naturally it comes up that I'm looking for stuff to re-purpose. He mentions making dogs out of tennis balls. I say that sounds adorable.

Next day.
Meet at the storage unit.
He has made me my very own tennis ball dog. I squeal and say how much I love it. AFB points out that he has made my day.
Anyway, to digging.
I find a few little things I like (two little C clamps, cake pans, trivets, a rusty old trowel, etc) but the gem...
This terrifyingly old wood engraver. I fall in love.
Done digging.
I ask him how much for The Pile of Things.
He looks it over, looks at AFB and asks "So the dog made her day, huh?"
AFB tells him that he doesn't have any idea how much.
Guy grins over to me and says "Well then have a great day. You can have it."
Needless to say there was hopping up and down and tail wagging and a hug.

Oh yeah! And he had a few peg board hooks! So here's how the peg board and entertainment center ended up!!

Ugly, brown, ew

Slightly better, flat black (it's what I had)

Inside, organized with egg cartons, mail holders, betta fish containers and whatnot.

So you don't really get an idea of it being pretty cute once I put all the stuff on it (there's a fish where the TV would go) but I promise it's cute. I'll have to make a post of Finished Projects here soon.

I also loved the silly social statement it made. An entertainment center is expected to have a TV and other electronics. I used it for crafts, fabric, books, fish, and Things. I guess that's what entertains me.

Peg Board of Amazingtown

 Ugly, dirty pegboard.

Adorable, purple pegboard perfect for hanging in the kitchen

I even hung it all by myself!! Had to email my dad about finding studs. Yes I have The Whole Internet but it's nice to get that bonding moment.

And just think, I have three more pieces left.

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